Photo Caption: Port Jervis Easter Seals Outreach Coordinator Barbara Kuczyra (at right) "Our awesome volunteers, from the Port Jervis Fire Department (Darryl Piatt), Councilman Stan Siegel, the Knights Order (police and firemen across the boroughs of NYC ), Bridget Grech, and community volunteers unloading the truck for our Thanksgiving Community Outreach, which will take place on November 22, 2021 at 8:30 a.m."

PORT JERVIS – A distribution of food, clothing, and household goods in advance of Thanksgiving will be hosted at Easter Seals Project Discovery on Monday, Nov. 22, 2021 at 88 East Main Street, Port Jervis, NY, 12771.
Port Jervis Easter Seals Outreach Coordinator Barbara Kuczyra and staff have been hosting monthly as well as special holiday themed distributions at its Port Jervis location for many years. Emergency boxes are also prepared and provided whenever anyone calls for help in between.
The Thanksgiving distribution will take place on November 22. Participants should arrive at 8:30 a.m.. The November event will be followed by a December holiday distribution, with both aimed at providing everything necessary for a holiday meal, and more.

The local Easter Seals distributions began years ago, by chance. Kuczyra recalls cleaning out her daughter's closet and having clothing to distribute. She decided to begin offering this regularly with donated items. A short time later, a woman appeared at Easter Seals' location and told Kuczyra she needed food.
“I attended a dinner in mid-town the next day where food was plentiful. I kept thinking that just an hour away there were people with no food, so I ‘put this idea on the table’ to people who were there. I was told to write a grant, and we could get help," Kuczyra recalled. "We’ve had food available ever since.” Local groups and individuals, along with donors from other communities and organizations, contribute regularly. These include ShopRite, New York State Fraternal Order of Police, Port Jervis Police Benevolent Association, Bon Secours Community Hospital, New York State Masons, and several private donors and groups.
To contribute to Easter Seals Project Discovery Port Jervis outreach programs, or for any questions or assistance, Kuczyra may be reached at 845-858-2874.