Tonight (11-15-2021) Port Jervis' Warming Station will open for its sixth season of providing help in our community. Anyone wishing to provide a meal or needed supplies may visit the following sites for additional information.
Thank you for providing this vital location and service in our community, Port Jervis Warming Station and Tri-State Interfaith Council!

Meal Train Plus
Hey everyone!
We are gearing up for season 6, so here is my annual list of startup needs. I’ll say it again, God continues to work though all of our volunteers and donors. If it wasn’t for everyone doing their part, the Warming Station would not be available to help so many people. We have helped over 350 people in 5 seasons! As we start our 6th season, please pray for our health, staff and guests.
Latex gloves (XL) Liquid Hand Soap Deodorant Men's razors Soap Tooth Brushes (We have a number left over) Tooth paste Shave Cream Shampoo Granola bars (chewy please, crunchy are bad for dental issues) Cold Cereal (Raisin Bran, Cheerios, Corn Flakes...) jars of tomato sauce Ice Tea Mix Sugar Non dairy creamer (we have plenty from last year) Napkins Toilet paper Paper towels Draw string kitchen bags Brillo Dawn dish detergent Clorox Cleanup Lysol Toilet Bowl cleaner Gallon size ziplock freezer bags Men’s Boxer briefs (L, XL, XXL) Men’s Briefs (L, XL, XXL) Men’s socks Men’s gloves and hats Men and women’s winter coats. Cloths: T-shirts, sweatshirts/pants, jeans, long-johns. (L, XL and 36-44 waist are the most common sizes needed.) The Meal Train is up and running, so check that out! The link is always available on the “about” page on the left side of the page. Donations can be left at any time inside the double red doors, Hudson St Entrance of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church. The Warming Station is a ministry of the Tri-State Interfaith Council, thank you for helping us help others!
