It's here -- the annual Farnum Haunt!

Clowns, dolls, a walk-through cemetery, toy store, outdoor movie, two-story haunted pirate ship, and costumed high school characters to interact with along guided walking trails are all part of the Farnum Haunt, with opened tonight for its 18th year of Halloween month entertainment.
Located at the top of a tall, winding hill at the former YMCA camp, Farnum Haunt features 50-60 high school and college students in character and professionally made-up, and more than a dozen adult volunteers. They will host this spooky adventure at 160 Big Pond Road, Huguenot, NY for the next three weekends, October 11-26. The times are Fridays 7-11, Saturdays 6-11, and Sundays 5-9. The cost is $20 each, payable at the entrance to the haunt.
Brian Dewey and Amy Hoverstock, founders of the Farnum Haunt, along with Bryce Kostenbader who has been part of this project for nearly all of its 18 years, said they do this annually in order to give back to their community through the fun it offers as well as the many scholarships the funds are able to distribute each year.
“I never thought in a million years it was get this big,” Dewey said of the estimated 2,000 guests it draws annually.
An enthusiastic Kostenbader, who works with the animatronic features of the haunt, provided a sneak peek tour of various parts of this year’s guided walking tour components.
“It’s fun making things work and being able to come up with new ideas every year,” Kostenbader said as he gathered the pirates together for a photo with the pirate ship.
The students, ranging from freshman to senior in Port Jervis High School, and some currently in college, had similar reasons for taking part in the haunt.
PJHS Senior Gabe Torres, who plans to study chemistry in college next year, has taken part in the haunt for the past four years. Filling the role of a ‘doll maker’ this year, he said he spends about 80-hours each year on this project and likes being part of building, interacting in character with guests, and the fun the whole experience brings.
“It’s a community service and an amazing opportunity. You just get tons of fun and satisfaction out of it,” Torres said.
Amber Blas, also a senior, recently moved to the area and is participating for the first time this year. Filling the part of one of the ‘main clowns’, she has named herself ‘Giggles’ in her character role. She described her role as being in a square and chasing guests in an infinite loop.
“My friends have done this in the past. I like haunted houses, but I don’t really like going through them. So, for me, it’s better to do this. I 1000% recommend this for any student to get involved in it. It’s so much fun, and people work so hard for this.” Blas said.
For younger kids and others who may want to experience the many components of the Farnum Haunt, but not looking for the scary option, there is a “No Scare” option for a friendly walk-through of the haunt.
The event is only three weekends long, so be sure to mark your calendar for weekends, October 11-26. Times are Fridays 7-11, Saturdays 6-11, and Sundays 5-9. Tickets are $20 each, payable at the entrance to the haunt.
Students: Layla Miller (college), Bridget Taslev (grad), Molly Gottlieb (9th), Julia Bosque (11th), Jonathan Lopez (10th), Gia DeFilippis (11th), Clarice Miller (12th), Grant Markle (11th), Thomas Caputo (11th), Thomas Andriac (10th), Shane Seger (12th), Gianna DiGiantomasso (10th), Amber Blas (12th), Gabe Torres (12th), Gianna Rodriguez (11th(), Olivia Trotta (12th), Ava Roberts (12th), Keaten Muller (12th), Kameron Knesel (10th), Lukasz Husson (12th), Osh Olenik (11th), Riley Dall (10th), Aidan Birish (10th), Gideon Torres (10th), Holden Purcell (11th), Nolan Reyes (college), Grace Brunelle (college), Regan Kizer (college), Reina Ebbecke (college), Brielle Rene (12th), Caroline Centauro (12th), Sydney McCoy (12th), Joshua Mursalin (12th), Logan Clark (12th), Evan Tigue (1oth), Johnny Siegel (10th), Killian Case (10th), Shawn Jiang (10th), Angelina Dall (9th), Stephanie Smith (11th), Gabriel Collette (12th), Michael Fedrizzi (12th), Isabelle Fedrizzi (9th), Paige Harrison (10th) (Others involved may not have been present when photo was taken. If not listed, please let us know.)
Adults: Brian Dewey, Amy Hoverstock, Bryce Kostenbader, Michael Worden, Shayna Kostenbader, Sierra Kostenbader, Karrie Williamson, Bob Williamson, Aaron Lane, Kristen Lane, Bailey Lane, Kristen Reiff, Tina Swaggert, Ken Hamilton, Lauren Cheshire, Stephanie Dejesus, Corey Allen, Scotty Glynn (Others involved may not have been present when photo was taken. If not listed, please let us know.)
